
Spa services

Come and relax and escape from your everyday life in our spa. This moment of relaxation in the heat of the water will allow you to relax your muscles and relieve your pains. The jets of our spas will massage you gently to the places that need it most.

Do not hesitate to spend a moment of fullness in the hot water of our spas.

relax and purify yourself.

Light therapy

It’s not just a myth! The light of day really has an effect on our mood. It does not offer us just a nice tan. Many people suffer from the absence of the sun during autumn and winter, which is why light therapy can help them. It offers the same benefits as the summer sun. You will find your good mood and your fatigue will evaporate with regular treatment.

Come talk to our professionals to learn more today!

Audio therapy

This therapy is perfect for people suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia or even migraine. Audio therapy has many benefits, including helping people who suffer from these ailments.

Come visit us to find out if audiotherapy is for you!

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy is a medical treatment that provides breathing oxygen to the client. It can cure many ailments, including intoxication gas.

Contact our specialists if you think this therapy is for you.

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Send us an email using the form below or call us at 819-525-1760.

Cancellation Policy

ATTENTION ! ATTENTION ! Please note our CANCELLATION POLICY: If you cannot attend your appointment or need to cancel or reschedule it, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance to avoid penalty fees. Failing to provide us with the minimum notice, (except in an emergency case) a fee of 50% for the service(s) requested in hairdressing and/or aesthetics will be billed to you during your next service. It is important to remember (WITHOUT PREJUDICE), when the company accepts that a client makes an appointment, this is a privilege granted to them and not a right that belongs to the clientele. Failure to notify us and/or not show up for your appointment deprives another client of having service in your place. We sincerely thank you for your understanding and cooperation. (819) 525-1760,